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Achilles tendonitis, is a condition characterised by inflammation of the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is a strong, fibrous band of tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone (calcaneus). It plays a crucial role in enabling activities such as walking, running, and jumping.



Achilles tendonitis typically occurs when the Achilles tendon is subjected to repetitive stress or overuse. This can happen due to activities involving repetitive jumping, running, or sudden increases in physical activity without proper conditioning or warm-up. It is also more common in individuals who have tight calf muscles or poor biomechanics, such as flat feet.


What are the symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis?


The primary symptom of Achilles tendonitis is pain and stiffness in the back of the leg near the heel. The pain may be mild initially, but it can gradually worsen and become more severe with continued activity. Swelling, tenderness, and a noticeable thickening of the Achilles tendon may also be present. The pain may be more pronounced in the morning or after periods of inactivity.


How can you treat Achilles Tendonitis?​


Treatment for Achilles tendonitis typically involves a combination of conservative measures. These may include:


  1. Rest: Avoiding activities that aggravate the condition and allowing the tendon to heal.

  2. Ice therapy: Applying ice packs to the affected area to reduce pain and inflammation.

  3. Pain relief: Over-the-counter pain medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.

  4. Physical therapy: Specific exercises and stretches to strengthen the calf muscles and improve flexibility.

  5. Orthotics: Shoe inserts or heel lifts to provide support and alleviate stress on the Achilles tendon.

  6. Modifying activities: Adjusting or reducing the intensity of activities that put strain on the tendon.

  7. Gradual return to activity: Slowly reintroducing physical activity and sports after the symptoms have subsided.


In severe cases or when conservative measures do not provide sufficient relief, additional treatments such as immobilisation with a cast, orthopedic devices, or in rare cases, surgery may be considered.


It's important to consult a registered podiatrist, for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan if you suspect Achilles tendonitis or are experiencing symptoms related to it.




Our team will conduct a full assessment including medical history, foot & lower limb posture, strength & motion tests, gait assessment using pressure plate system, and treatment plan discussion. Following your assessment and review of your medical history, this appoint may suitable to diagnose an treat conditions in the list above.


For this appointment it is important to have the appropriate medical history as this will allow our podiatrists to identify and treat the problem more effectively. If you have any previous GP refferal notes, scans or test results please bring these with you.


You will need the following for your appointment:

A pair of shorts. A selection of footwear, 1 to 3 pairs of shoes (footwear you wear daily/ and or your sporting footwear).

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